terça-feira, 26 de novembro de 2013

Truth about energy and matter - Keppe Motor

In this fascinating book, Dr. Norberto Keppe, explores how the essential concepts of Physics, as well as biology and psychology, are completely inverted and are actually leading scientists away from understanding the nature of reality and the universe in which we live. This conundrum was perceived by 1979 Nobel Prize winner, Steven Weinberg. He asserted that unifying all the disparate theories would "require the emergence of radically new ideas."

This book introduces those ideas. From exploring the truth about energy and matter, to discussing the true source of energy, to examining the enormous impact of psychology on genetics, Keppe clarifies science and disinverts its incorrect metaphysical orientation. This book transcends the study of Physics alone and offers far reaching consequences for biology and psychology as well.

In the end, it will become clear that Keppe's landmark ideas unify science as no one before him and offer us a potent vision of the science of the future.

A obra que deu origem à tecnologia Keppe Motor.

A obra que deu origem à tecnologia Keppe Motor.

As descobertas da Física são fundamentais para haver conhecimento não só da Biologia (com sua Genética), mas principalmente da psicologia. Porém, todos esses setores científicos foram inspirados na Metafísica de Aristóteles (que o escritor deste livro vem estudando há 48 anos, acreditando que, em sua estrutura básica, está invertida, tendo levado as ciências para idêntico rumo). Norberto R. Keppe mostra aqui a necessidade de unir esses três setores (Física, Biologia e Psicologia), para que sejam entendidos inteiramente, desde que, ao mesmo tempo, são complementares e independentes entre si.

quinta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2013

Keppe Motor granted Patent in the United States


Keppe Motor granted Patent in the United States 

On January 10, 2013, a patent (US 8,546,985 B2) was granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) of the United States Department of Commerce for the “Electromagnetic Motor and Equipment to Generate Work Torque” (the Keppe Motor) developed by independent physics researcher Norberto Keppe and engineers Cesar Soós, Alexandre and Roberto Frascari.
The technology was developed from the proposals put forward in Keppe’s book, The New Physics Derived from a Disinverted Metaphysics, especially the fundamental idea that matter does not give origin to energy. In Keppe’s scientific view, matter arises from a primary energy that exists in the universe, which Keppe has named Essential Energy.
The patent request was launched in the United States on May 21, 2009. The patent has also been granted in Mexico, and there are also requests under technical analysis in several other countries, including Brazil.
These patents granted in the United States and Mexico are proof of the Keppe Motor’s originality and technological innovation.

POLIMIG: alunos mecatrônica apresentam Keppe Motor

quarta-feira, 31 de julho de 2013

Entenda a Nova Física

      O que é a Nova Física?


              Understand the New Physics


Keppe Motor: Gli Ultimi Sviluppi

Che cos'è il Keppe Motor?

Si tratta di un motore altamente efficiente sviluppato dagli scienziati brasiliani Cesar Soós e Roberto Frascari, che utilizza il principio della risonanza elettromagnetica per l'ottimizzazione della sua efficienza. È stato dato al Keppe Motor questo nome, perché è stato sviluppato secondo i principi innovatori che sono scaturiti dalla ricerce dello scienziato brasiliano Norberto da Rocha Keppe sulla fisica, e esposti nella sua opera "La Nuova Fisica della Metafisica Disinvertita", scritta nel 1996 in Francia.


quarta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2013

Build Your Own Keppe Motor Fan


Keppe Motor is in Open Source Production


By Sterling D. Allan Pure Energy Systems News, January 23, 2013
The Keppe motor has healing properties, runs cool, has very high and consistent efficiency across all speeds, is easy to make; and its advanced versions are overunity and may eventually be self-looped. More importantly, the group behind it has figured out the secrets to getting along with one another, concepts that can transform our world for good.

Keppe Motor Latest Developments
